Building Community

Humans are social beings and thrive on connection and belonging. Communities provide a sense of support, companionship, and shared identity. They offer a network of individuals who can provide emotional, practical, and social support during challenging times and celebrate successes together.

We are here for each other … so please join us.

  • We gather together with members of the broader community to enjoy some simple line dancing - learning and laughing together as we do so.

    We gather at 9:30 a.m. and Fridays in the St. Mary’s Whitechapel (SMWC) Courtney Hall.

    This is free to everyone. No pre-registration required. Just drop in.

  • Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done sitting on a chair or standing on the ground while using the chair for support. Benefits of chair yoga include: improved flexibility, better concentration, increased strength, boost to your mood and reduced stress and joint strain.

    Join us on Tuesday’s and Friday’s at 11 a.m. in the SMWC Parish Hall for a little stretching - which is as challenging as you want or need.

    This is free to everyone. No pre-registration required. Just drop in.

  • A book group consisting of participants from SMWC, Trinity, and the larger community started more than 20 years ago. This group differs from most book clubs in that there is no leader, the entire group decides which book to read, and only one chapter a week is discussed, although there have been times when we have needed two weeks to discuss a chapter. Many side discussions occur from the words, sentences, or experiences that the chapter evokes. We truly do take our time traveling through the book and enjoying the scenery along the way. If you never joined a book group because you didn’t have time to read the entire book, try our group. You only have to read a chapter a week. Before COVID, we met in the SMWC parish hall, and now we meet via Zoom. You don’t need to belong to either church or be an Episcopalian; we only ask that you respect the opinions of others.

    The Book Club is on hiatus for the summer.

  • Trail stewards come from the community as well as the church and the local chapter of master naturalists. No affiliation is needed. Please join us for quarterly trail maintenance and fall/winter trail development. Maintenance is as simple as picking up fallen branches along the path, helping create log edging from fallen trees, blowing fall leaves off the path, spreading wood chips. Trail B is looking good. Look for trail work day announcements in the bulletins. Contact the office to be added to the trail stewards email list.