
Church stewardship is a vital aspect of our faith community at St. Mary’s Whitechapel Episcopal Chirch. It encompasses the responsibility we have been entrusted with to wisely manage and utilize the resources bestowed upon us by God. It goes beyond just financial contributions and extends to our time, talents, and treasures. As faithful stewards, we are called to be accountable for our actions and decisions, ensuring that they align with the values and mission of our church. Our collective efforts in stewardship enable us to support the ministries, outreach programs, and maintenance of our sacred spaces, fostering the growth and vitality of our faith community. Through active engagement and intentional giving, we demonstrate our gratitude to God and participate in the transformational work of spreading compassion, love, and justice in the world.

Our church is not simply a building; it is a community of faithful individuals striving to live out the Gospel message. By contributing to the Stewardship Campaign, you help to strengthen the foundation upon which our church stands. Your financial support enables us to maintain and improve our facilities, ensuring a welcoming and comfortable environment for worship, fellowship, and learning. It also allows us to invest in the ongoing education and spiritual growth of our clergy, staff, and lay leaders - equipping them to better serve God and our community.

When you contribute to the Stewardship Campaign, you become part of a collective effort to leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Our church has a long and rich history, and it is our responsibility to preserve and build upon this legacy. By financially supporting the Campaign, you are investing in the future of St. Mary's Whitechapel Episcopal Church. You are ensuring that our church remains a beacon of hope, love, and faith for generations to come.